Don Clemente lives in the midst of a love triangle undecided between a widow named Hipólita, a lovelorn Miss Beatriz and Miss Clara, although it has to be said of the latter, that she is in a similar situation with three other gentlemen: the afore-mentioned handsome Don Clemente, an unbearable talker they call Don Julián de la Mata and Don Juan Martínez Caniego. The servants Cartilla & Zanguango will endeavour to ensure their respective masters achieve their goals, but in the meantime a kind of vaudeville of stage fights, hidden lovers, unbelievable deceptions & relocations in the face of the persistent persecution of justice, is generated.

Functions: Friday 20 & Saturday 21 at 19:30 hours

+ Info: Teatro Cuyás

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Calle Viera y Clavijo, s/n

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


928 432 180