Ant Cosmos is a band based in Gran Canaria in which Dream Pop & Indie Rock alternate in equal parts.

Composed of four members, the music mixes rudimentary sounds with atmospheric elements, resulting in something effervescent and danceable in their live shows. Acoustic & distortion get mixed in order to acquire changes in keeping with the Spanish alternative scenario,adding instruments like the synthesizer and vocal harmonizer pedals.

During the months of June & July, the patio of the theatre Teatro Cuyás’ and the hall ‘Sala Insular de Teatro’ will be full of life & events: concerts, magic &, puppet shows, and monologues will feature for almost a month - on Fridays at the patio of the ‘Teatro’ and on Saturdays in the ‘Sala’ situated on 1º de Mayo street.

Download the programme (here 

Because of the preventative measures adopted in relation toCOVID19, the attendance capacity in the venues have been reduced: the patio of the’ Teatro Cuyás’ will accommodate 54 seats and the’ Sala Insular de Teatro’, 33 seats.

+ Info: Teatro Cuyás

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detail mapTeatro Cuyás

Calle Viera y Clavijo, s/n

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


928 432 180