A script by Rosa Escrig, chosen by the ‘Laboratorio de Escritura Teatral’ (Drama writing laboratory) ‘Canarias Escribe Teatro’, directed by Luis O’Malley & promoted by‘2RCTeatro’.
Marta is a 46 year-old married woman with two children, who suffers from insomnia and never sleeps. She spends the nights in the kitchen of her flat chatting to Martita, a 16 year old teenager who accompanies her during the long wee hours of the morning.
Together they will try to unravel a mystery that has haunted them for years. Who killed Kurt Cobain?
Friday 8 & Saturday 9 April 2022, at 19:30 hours.
+ Info: Sala Insular de Teatro
Sala Insular de Teatro
Avenida Primero de Mayo, s/n
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
928 432 180