“Ella y los Cerdos” is an open adaptation of the novel Amuleto (1998) by Roberto Bolaño. In a monologue format, Auxilio Lacouture, main character of the story played by Rosa Escrig, narrates, and investigates, a heinous and distant crime. Auxilio, a middle-aged woman & philosophy teacher, stays hidden for days in the bathroom of a school during a military assault in search of one of her elementary students.
Our protagonist is a character inspired by the Uruguayan teacher & poet Alcira Soust Scaffo, settled in Mexico for more than two decades and who remained hidden for fifteen days in a bathroom of a Faculty during the occupation of the University by the Mexican Army in 1968.
Friday 11 & Saturday 12 November 2022, at 19:30 hours.
+ Info: Sala Insular de Teatro
Sala Insular de Teatro
Avenida Primero de Mayo, s/n
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
928 432 180