For the second consecutive year, the ‘Instituto Canario de Desarrollo Cultural’ (Canarian Institute for Cultural Development) organizes a film cycle ‘Diversidad, Igualdad y Cultura’ (Diversity, Equality & Culture), with which it is intended to value plurality and everything that helps us understand the importance of diversity, focusing on the visibility & profile of all groups, particularly the most vulnerable.

“Ammonite” (2020)


It tells the story of love in England 1840 between the paleontologist Mary Anning & Charlotte Murchinson, a married woman. In conservative 19th century British society, the acclaimed but unknown fossil seeker Mary Anning works alone in the south of the country. When her fame had been already forgotten, she dedicates her time to selling fossils to tourists to get by, until a wealthy visitor asks Mary to look after his wife.

+ Info: Teatro Guiniguada

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Calle Mesa de León, s/n

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



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